miercuri, 2 februarie 2011

My Goals for 2006

In B school, they teach you that goals should be SMART:
  • S - simple
  • M - measurable
  • A - achievable
  • R - realistic
  • T - time sensitive
With that in mind, my goals for 2006 are:
  • Build e-fund to $10,000 by June
  • Continue 401k contribution up to employer match
  • Open a Roth and fully fund by year end
  • Close on new townhouse in February
  • Create a budget for new home expenses by April
  • Increase income from lower $60s to upper $70s by July
  • Research long term investment options
If all goes well, I should be out of the red and into the black by year end. I didn't set the bar out of reach but my goals are high enough to keep me grounded. I'll reflect on them daily and record the details of my accomplishments when each one is achieved.
Note: Major 2006 expenses are moving, increased housing (mortgage vs. rent), increased utilities (1800 sq ft house vs. 900 sq ft apartment), furniture, and daughter's braces